A pair of scissors with bent ends: not straight, not sharp; a double ended trumpet: buttons in the middle, horns on both sides; a watering can with a spout at the bottom of the drum: as soon as water is poured in, it is directly emptied out. The Krüppel Zeitung [Crip Magazine] was an anti-assimilationist queer crip magazine coming out of Bremen, Germany in the late 70’s and early 80’s: in this magazine icons repeat and hold space for non-verbal articulations of their critical politics. Towards developing practices of nonverbal expression that hold values of our practice, participants in this workshop engaged with the edge-work of their practices to develop icons that hold space for iconic-non-verbal worlding.
This workshop was conducted as part of Yale Graphic Design’s Night School 2024 during PreCog Magazine’s Residency as Publishers in Residence.
Graphics by Tom Tang.